Thursday, October 02, 2008

Evangelistic goals of Christian rock

Many Christian bands have an explicitly evangelistic goal - they hope to use their music to attract new converts to their faith. Some musicians try to draw in non-Christian listeners by writing songs with an under-the-surface Christian message. These bands include Switchfoot, P.O.D., Kevin Max, and Relient K.
However, the aims for making Christian music vary among different artists. Other Christian artists such as Chris Tomlin, Tree63, Audio Adrenaline and Not Afraid sing more explicit worship songs, incorporating lyrics that directly worship God. Many of these songs are played at more contemporary churches and used to lead congregations in worship. These artists receive less criticism, however they also receive less praise from non-Christian listeners.

It's being a while since i was a part of any rock band, and i dont know how that movement is doing, but once you go Rocking you'll never go back, if any one have any info about local rock bands please inform

GBU all, and keep up rocking ...............
hey, a todos los Rockers out there, call me sometime to see if whe can arrange una tocadera por hay.

1 comentarios:

oseas blondet 9:04 AM  

i gonna start calling names,

Gustavo lazala, Jose Vizcaino, Abednego, juan carlos (kanky), Amaury, Erick, Carlos Marte, Telleria, Sandy, Armando, Richard, y demas (los q no mencione no se killen es q como siempre estoy rapido y esos fueron los nombres q pude recordar (pues algo paso con estas personas algun meneo q me hizo recordarlos, por ejemplo, Kanky : el desorden q hizo en un campamento en donde no habia electricidad y por las noches el pana toco el maso y no fue solo la bateria y la lucha para q cojimos para bajar de esa montaña....... o Armando : cuando me tumbo a mi jevita en pleno campamento.(ese #@$!$%) si le dio cotorra a mi novia y esa @#$! se chuleo con el... jejejeje cosas q pasan.

pues bien concho llamen a uno, q la musica calma las bestias.....



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